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NYC Grandparent Rights

Family life in New York City keeps changing, combining old traditions with the new. Grandparents are key figures in their grandchildren's lives, [...]

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NYC Father’s Rights

Fathers in NYC face a unique set of challenges and misconceptions when it comes to divorce, custody, and parental rights. Understanding these rights [...]

How to prove another driver was speeding

Mar 05, 2021

You are a careful and cautious driver. You do not take chances with your safety or those of your passengers and fellow drivers. The same cannot be said about other people on the road. And if you have been injured in a crash with a reckless driver, [...]

Top Defensive Driving Tips from an Attorney

Feb 26, 2021

Enroll in a Defensive Driving Course. If you are uncomfortable driving in Brooklyn, enrolling in a defensive driving course is an excellent idea. Your instructor will give you even more valuable driving tips, and you will obtain experience [...]

Collecting Evidence After A Car Accident: How To Stay Safe?

Feb 19, 2021

The moments immediately following an automobile accident can be confusing, frustrating, and emotionally draining. That said, a Brooklyn accident attorney cautions prospective clients to understand that the actions they take during this crucial [...]

Do I need a lawyer for a prenuptial agreement?

Feb 17, 2021

When persons are preparing to get married, a prenuptial agreement may be recommended. Prenuptial agreements can help protect assets and remove uncertainty if the marriage later ends in divorce. To ensure that the prenuptial agreement is legal and [...]

What If a Defective Product Is Old?

Feb 12, 2021

If a product is old enough and sold at retail, is there a product liability case? The answer depends on what state you are in and what type of defect the product was sold under. In other words, how long has the product been on the market? If it has [...]

What are the exceptions to liability for a dog bite injury?

Feb 10, 2021

Strict Liability Negligence in New York. Strict liability for injuries caused by dogs means that the dog's owner is "strictly liable" for paying the injured party's medical bills. This is the case even if the owner tried to control his or her [...]

My Spouse Won’t Sign Divorce Papers: What to do

Feb 05, 2021

If you find out that your spouse will not sign divorce papers, then you are probably in a bit of a pickle. Divorce is a very stressful event, and it can be hard to make decisions when you know your partner wants a divorce. This article will give you [...]

How are my child’s medical expenses split during a divorce?

Jan 27, 2021

Ending a marriage is difficult. You will have to deal with the fears, frustrations, and anxieties of divorce. And if you have children with your spouse, you will need to work out a child custody and support settlement. To get the best outcome for [...]