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NYC Grandparent Rights

Family life in New York City keeps changing, combining old traditions with the new. Grandparents are key figures in their grandchildren's lives, [...]

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NYC Father’s Rights

Fathers in NYC face a unique set of challenges and misconceptions when it comes to divorce, custody, and parental rights. Understanding these rights [...]

Child Support Enforcement

Sep 01, 2023

Child support is a legal obligation for a parent to financially support their child. It is typically paid to the other parent, who is the custodial parent, but it can also be paid directly to the child or to a third party, such as a child care [...]

Air Bag Injuries

Aug 31, 2023

Air bags are one of the most important safety features in modern cars. They help to prevent serious injuries and deaths in car accidents by cushioning the impact of the crash. However, air bags can also cause injuries, even when they work as [...]

New York Mirror Laws – Preventing Car Accidents

Aug 25, 2023

Driving is a privilege, but it is also a responsibility. As a driver, you have a duty to operate your vehicle safely and obey all traffic laws. One important traffic law that many drivers are unaware of is the law regarding mirrors. Understanding [...]

Running Red Light Car Accidents and Injuries

Aug 18, 2023

Traffic lights are fundamental to maintaining order on our roads. Yet, despite their clear indicators, there's an alarming number of drivers who choose to disobey them. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in a given year, [...]

Right of Way Laws – Car Accidents

Aug 11, 2023

Every driver knows that moment: you approach an intersection, another car pulls up, and you both hesitate, wondering who should go first. This common scenario highlights the importance of understanding right of way laws. Not only do these laws [...]

PreNup Pitfalls to Avoid

Aug 04, 2023

Every couple dreams of their wedding day, the pinnacle of love, trust, and commitment. While love is the driving force, a prenuptial agreement, or "PreNup," is a practical aspect that ensures both parties are protected financially. If you're [...]

New York No-Fault Divorce

Aug 01, 2023

If you are considering getting a divorce in New York, you may be wondering about the no-fault divorce process. In this blog post, we will discuss what no-fault divorce is, how it works, and what you need to do to get one. What is No-Fault [...]

Moped Accident

Jul 31, 2023

Have you ever enjoyed a ride on a moped, feeling the cool New York breeze against your skin, only to have your tranquility shattered by an unexpected accident? As fun and convenient as they can be, mopeds, unfortunately, are not exempt from the road [...]

Parking Garage Car Accident

Jul 28, 2023

Traversing through a bustling New York parking garage can be a stressful experience, akin to steering through a labyrinth. One moment of distraction and — bang! — a parking garage accident occurs, turning an ordinary day into a legal [...]