Getting Back to a Normal Visitation Schedule After Holidays and School Breaks

Feb 12, 2020

Holidays and school breaks can interfere with a normal visitation schedule. Sometimes this is because the holiday visitation schedule might be misinterpreted or the parents become confused. For instance, a holiday visitation might end during the weekend which raises the question of who gets the child the remainder of the weekend.

If the confusion causes issues with regular visitation, turn to your Brighton Beach NY divorce lawyers for answers. Asking your lawyer rather than trying to find the answer on your own can prevent potential issues.

Nonetheless, the general rule of thumb is that holiday visitation replaces normal visitation. Keeping this in mind, you and your ex should be able to discuss the schedule and hash things out. If there are issues with the discussions, Levitsky Law Firm can help.

What Happens at the End of the Holiday Visitation Schedule?

At the end of the holiday visitation schedule, the primary schedule immediately kicks in. For example, the parent the child is visiting with during a holiday that ends on a Friday will also have the child during the weekend if it’s their weekend for visitation.

When a holiday and visitation period overlap, the visitation period will resume after the holiday. Understanding this will help you and your ex avoid any conflicts that could affect your child or children. Maintaining a relationship with your ex for the children is difficult enough, so it’s important to avoid arguments when possible.

Obtaining Legal Assistance to Resolve Visitation Conflicts

Fortunately, Levitsky Law Firm is there to help you if there is an issue agreeing to the resumption of the visitation schedule. The last thing you need is for a conflict to cause uneasiness during some of the happiest times of the year. Your Brighton Beach NY divorce lawyers will be able to review your visitation schedule and clear up any questions that have come about.