How Expensive Will My Divorce Be?

May 10, 2019

When a couple considers divorcing, usually the first question that pops into their minds is “How much is this going to cost?”

Since attorney fees can vary dramatically, the final cost of the divorce depends on several factors. These factors typically include where you reside, which attorney you hire, whether or not the spouse is combative and how many issues you have to sort out.

Hiring a Brighton Beach divorce lawyer, like the ones found at Levitksy Law Firm, takes the dirty work out of getting divorced.

Even though most people filing a divorce would like to have their attorney by their side during the process, they can’t help wondering how much they need to spend. Despite calling a few attorney’s, you may wonder if they’re charging you too much, or in rare cases, too little. If you’re charged too little, this is an indication that the lawyer is desperate for clients.

The usual fee that most attorney’s charge is $250 per hour. A reputable Brooklyn divorce attorney will clearly state how much their retainer is and how much they believe the total cost will be.

A Brighton Beach divorce lawyer, likes the ones found at Levitsky Law Firm, charge an hourly rate typically basis this on the services provided. These services include, but are not limited to the following:

  • They provide full representation during the case
  • The attorney only handled a few aspects of the case such as handling alimony and child custody
  • They provide advice and the necessary documents, but they did not represent their client.

Before getting into the total average cost, you need to add in the factors such as court costs, child custody evaluators, tax advisors and real estate appraisers. After the whole process is over and done with, many litagants may end up paying thousands for their divorces. However, this again depends on your individual circumstances and how lengthy the divorce process is.

If you’re currently contemplating divorce and need legal advice, we’re here to help. At Levitsky Law Firm, helping you manage this difficult time is our main concern.