What to Do at the Scene of a Car Accident

Nov 06, 2020

Car accidents occur every day. If you have been involved in a collision, there are certain things you must do. These are steps to take immediately after a car accident. 

Exchange Information 

Keep the conversation to the bare minimum, but exchange information with the other driver. You should exchange names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s license and license plate numbers and insurance information. You may also want to jot down the make and model of the other person’s car. 

Call 911 

Call 911 immediately and request the police and an ambulance. A police officer can take an accident report and anyone who requires medical assistance can get it by being transported to the hospital via ambulance. You can also later obtain a copy of the accident report as part of your documentation. Be sure to also get the name and badge number of the responding police officer. 

Speak to Witnesses 

Locate witnesses at the scene of the accident and get their names and contact information. You may also want to record their statements of the accident or have them write them down for you. 

Get Medical Treatment 

Even if you don’t feel immediately injured, it’s important to get medical treatment as soon as possible. After an experience as harrowing as a car accident, you may feel a surge of adrenaline and may not instantly realize you have sustained an injury. Treatment can determine the extent of your injuries and whether there is something internal that needs attention. 

Contact Your Insurance Company 

Contact your insurance company and report being in the accident. The sooner you do this, the better. It improves your chances of a successful claim if you file with your insurer. 

If you live in New York and were involved in a car accident, you need the Levitsky Law Firm and Brooklyn personal injury attorneys on your side. A Brooklyn accident attorney will hear your side of the story and fight to protect your rights. Contact the Levitsky Law Firm immediately to discuss your case with an experienced Brooklyn car accident attorney.